Make a positive contribution to society through the manufacture of consistently high-quality, low environmental impact products that satisfy the ever-changing requirements of a variety of mission critical industries.
To assemble the right combination of people and find a way to focus the determination and efforts of each individual towards the goal of the company. This involves not only employing highly skilled people but also creating an atmosphere which encourages each person to make the most of their abilities.
We will strive to act responsibly through production of "low-to-non environmental impact products. " In order to reach this goal, we will focus on the basics and provide products, systems, and services that are beneficial to society which has minimal impact on our surroundings.
In order to make a positive contribution to society, focusing on smaller markets presents us with greater opportunities. We continually look for opportunities to develop new markets and strive to become the industry leader.
To be an environmentally friendly company is one of our key business challenges. We will contribute towards a sustainable society through design and manufacturing technologies products, in accordance with the following policies.
In order to clarify the rust problem and examine the suitable BOSELON® grade or others. grade or others. Please check the available date and time of Laboratory room for your advantageousness
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